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Space Coast Government TV
Business Address
2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way - Viera FL
Short Business Description
Space Coast Government is a 24-hour, 7 days/week government-access cable television channel.
Long Business Description

Space Coast Government is a 24-hour, 7 days/week government-access cable television and online channel.  It airs on Spectrum Channel 499 in Brevard County. on AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and is also available to Comcast subscribers (Channel 51 North Brevard & Channel 13 South Brevard) in Brevard County as well.  The programming is also available online via the Brevard County Government website at  

The SCGTV/Communications Office is committed to providing Brevard County residents with better access to local county government information through a variety of communication tools. They operate the Space Coast Government Television channel; write & send press releases to media and citizens; coordinate media interviews for County departments; oversee website design and content; and maintain the County’s social media presence on Facebook and Twitter. Their goal is to keep the community informed about government actions, programs and services.

Helping Seniors TV programming airs 3x daily on Space Coast Government Television Monday-Friday - at 8:30am, 4:30pm and 5:00pm.

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