Hospice & Palliative Care

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Family Home Care
Business Address
1326 Palmetto Ave
Winter Park FL 32789
Short Business Description
Family Home Care of Central Florida provides independence for seniors and peace of mind for their families. When you need senior home care for your loved ones, we’ll be there.
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Long Business Description

Family Home Care of Central Florida provides independence for seniors and peace of mind for their families. When you need senior home care for your loved ones, we’ll be there. CALL (407) 979-8780

Never worry about leaving your loved one alone again - Seniors aging alone face a host of safety risks that can make it concerning to leave them home alone.

If you or a loved one:

Suffers from memory loss
Is at risk of falling while navigating the home
Suffers from loneliness and/or depression
Struggles to properly sort and safely take medication
Needs assistance preparing meals for proper nutrition
Is unable to drive or make it to appointments/events
Cannot safely bathe or shower on your own

…then it is time to contact Family Home Care of Central Florida. With us, you can rest assured that your loved one will thrive at home with the best care.

St. Francis Reflections Lifestage Care
Business Address
1250B Grumman Place Titusville Florida 32780
6905 N Wickham Rd Suite 300 Melbourne FL 32940
Short Business Description
St. Francis Reflections Lifestate Care - Brevard's longest serving and only independent interfaith not-for-profit hospice care resource.
Long Business Description

St. Francis Reflections Lifestate Care - Reflecting Life, Love and Compassion

Quality Care for Patients and Families.  Uplifting Lives.  Uplifting Each Other.   Uplifting Our Community.
Brevard's longest serving and only independent interfaith not-for-profit hospice care resource.
Care and Support Programs:  Hospice Care; Inpatient Care; Palliative Care; Pet Pledge; Grief Support; We Honor Veterans.
1250B Grumman Place - Titusville Florida 32780
6905 N Wickham Rd - Suite 300 - Melbourne FL 32940


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Vitas Healthcare
Short Business Description
VITAS hospice team members visit patients wherever they call home (private home, nursing home, assisted living community, long-term care facility, etc.) throughout Central Florida and the Space Coast. 
Long Business Description

VITAS hospice team members visit patients wherever they call home (private home, nursing home, assisted living community, long-term care facility, etc.) throughout Central Florida and the Space Coast.  Vitas has offices in Barefoot Bay, Melbourne, and Titusville, as well as an inpatient unit in Rockledge. They provide care wherever needed. 

The goal at VITAS is individual care determined by the patient’s wishes and preferences. Integrated services can be brought to the bedside by a music therapist or a Paw Pals® visit, as needed. Vitas assists patients through the services of a massage therapist respiratory therapist and a child life specialist. With recognition from the We Honor Veterans program, Central Florida military veterans get the support they deserve near the end of life.

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